LOLA (series)

LOLA (series)
Title: LOLA (series)
Genre: Music Biopic
Running time: 2x90'
Language(s): Spanish
Status: Completed
Year: 2007
Director(s): Miguel Hermoso
Cast: Gala Evora, Antonio Bellido, Ana Fernandez


Lola Flores, Flamenco’s first diva, struggled to international stardom in Franco’s 1930s Spain. Her brilliant career included thrilling on-stage performances and memorable film success.

However, it was her beauty and tempestuous love life that really kept her name in the spotlight.


Lola Flores, Flamenco’s first diva, struggled to international stardom in Franco’s 1930s Spain. Her brilliant career included thrilling on-stage performances and memorable film success.

However, it was her beauty and tempestuous love life that really kept her name in the spotlight.

