Title: RITA
Genre: Drama
Running time: 94'
Language(s): Spanish
Status: Completed
Year: 2024
Director(s): Paz Vega
Screenplay: Paz Vega
Producer(s): Marta Velasco, Gonzalo Bendala
Cast: Paz Vega , Roberto Álamo, Sofía Allepuz, Alejandro Escamilla


Seville, summer of 1984.
Rita and Lolo are brother and sister, 7 and 5 years old, who live at the heart of a humble, working-class family.
The summer holidays are starting, the sun’s burning rays are beating down and the whole country has football fever after Spain has qualified for the quarter finals of the European Cup. Rita dreams of going to the beach, but at home, what her father says goes… always, and for him watching the games is unfortunately the priority. For the first time, Rita starts to question why this is. She’s also starting to realise that her home is becoming less and less safe, especially for her mother.
In an attempt to escape her surroundings, Rita dives deep into her imagination, searching for a way to bear the unbearable, in what will turn out to be her last summer as an innocent child.

Critics reviews

"Apart from her acting talent, which we have also witnessed in more than 70 previous roles, in Rita, Vega also demonstrates a knack for storytelling, both as a writer and as a director. Her script is cleverly written and masterfully controlled by her directing, with a good sense of visual narration." CINEUROPA

"Rita is a delicate and precise X-ray of the adult world as seen through the eyes of a little girl. Sevillian actress, Paz Vega, makes an outstanding debut as screenwriter and director."  EL MUNDO


13th Aug 2024 - By Emilio Mayorga (Screen)

First trailer for Paz Vega’s directing debut ‘Rita’ ahead of Locarno premiere (exclusive)... (Read more)

29th Jan 2024 - By By Tim Dams, Geoffrey Macnab, Emilio Mayorga, Wendy Mitchell (Screen Daily)

RITA by Paz Vega among the 30 European films to tempt festival directors in 2024... (Read more)

20th May 2023 - By Emilio Mayorga (Screen)

Filmax takes on sales for Paz Vega’s directorial debut ‘Rita’ (exclusive)... (Read more)


Seville, summer of 1984.
Rita and Lolo are brother and sister, 7 and 5 years old, who live at the heart of a humble, working-class family.
The summer holidays are starting, the sun’s burning rays are beating down and the whole country has football fever after Spain has qualified for the quarter finals of the European Cup. Rita dreams of going to the beach, but at home, what her father says goes… always, and for him watching the games is unfortunately the priority. For the first time, Rita starts to question why this is. She’s also starting to realise that her home is becoming less and less safe, especially for her mother.
In an attempt to escape her surroundings, Rita dives deep into her imagination, searching for a way to bear the unbearable, in what will turn out to be her last summer as an innocent child.

Critics reviews

"Apart from her acting talent, which we have also witnessed in more than 70 previous roles, in Rita, Vega also demonstrates a knack for storytelling, both as a writer and as a director. Her script is cleverly written and masterfully controlled by her directing, with a good sense of visual narration." CINEUROPA

"Rita is a delicate and precise X-ray of the adult world as seen through the eyes of a little girl. Sevillian actress, Paz Vega, makes an outstanding debut as screenwriter and director."  EL MUNDO


13th Aug 2024 - By Emilio Mayorga (Screen)

First trailer for Paz Vega’s directing debut ‘Rita’ ahead of Locarno premiere (exclusive)... (Read more)

29th Jan 2024 - By By Tim Dams, Geoffrey Macnab, Emilio Mayorga, Wendy Mitchell (Screen Daily)

RITA by Paz Vega among the 30 European films to tempt festival directors in 2024... (Read more)

20th May 2023 - By Emilio Mayorga (Screen)

Filmax takes on sales for Paz Vega’s directorial debut ‘Rita’ (exclusive)... (Read more)
