Title: BOI
Genre: Thriller, Drama
Running time: 108'
Language(s): English (Main language), Mandarin, Spanish
Status: Completed
Year: 2019
Director(s): Jorge M. Fontana
Screenplay: Jorge M. Fontana
Producer(s): Pedro Hernandez, Alvaro Portanet, Amadeo Hernandez
Cast: Bernat Quintana, Adrian Pang, Andrew Lua


Boi is a young man starting out in a new job as a chauffeur. While anxiously waiting for news from his girlfriend regarding a decision that could change both their lives, he must accompany his first clients, Michael and Gordon, two Asian businessmen who have come to Barcelona in order to close a multimillion-dollar deal.

Critics reviews

“Boi, an extraordinary film. […] The feature-length debut of Jorge M. Fontana, starring the charismatic Bernat Quintana, is the best opera prima of the year.” Cinemania

“An admirable ópera prima” Fotogramas

“Gifted with a certain poetry, Boi also boasts an impeccable mise en scène, which is set off beautifully by its photography and formal aesthetic.” El País


Boi is a young man starting out in a new job as a chauffeur. While anxiously waiting for news from his girlfriend regarding a decision that could change both their lives, he must accompany his first clients, Michael and Gordon, two Asian businessmen who have come to Barcelona in order to close a multimillion-dollar deal.

Critics reviews

“Boi, an extraordinary film. […] The feature-length debut of Jorge M. Fontana, starring the charismatic Bernat Quintana, is the best opera prima of the year.” Cinemania

“An admirable ópera prima” Fotogramas

“Gifted with a certain poetry, Boi also boasts an impeccable mise en scène, which is set off beautifully by its photography and formal aesthetic.” El País

