
Title: Alpha
Genre: Action/Thriller
Running time: 112'
Language(s): Spanish
Status: Completed
Year: 2013
Director(s): Joan Cutrina
Producer(s): Joan Cutrina, Jordi Rediu, Norbert Llaras
Cast: Miquel Fernandez, Alex Barahona, Juan Carlos Vellido


Alpha is the story of three young friends who are each forced to go their separate ways after an attempted robbery goes awry and one of them is caught.

Eight years later they are reunited, but things have changed; Eric has just got out of prison, determined to turn his life around and go straight. Toni is now an honest policeman and Tom the head of a criminal gang which works in collaboration with the city’s corrupt police officers. It seems that the paths the three men have chosen for themselves are no longer compatible.

But when Eric is offered the chance to help get his little brother out of trouble by doing one last job, he has a tough decision to make. He knows that whatever he does will not only affect his own life, but that of those around him too. His friends feel indebted to him for his silence eight years previously and want to help him back on the outside, but Toni and Tom both have very different ideas of the kind of “help” Eric needs.

Just how important are friendship, loyalty and knowing the difference between right and wrong? Are we really the ones in charge of our own lives, or have the endings to our stories already been written?


Alpha is the story of three young friends who are each forced to go their separate ways after an attempted robbery goes awry and one of them is caught.

Eight years later they are reunited, but things have changed; Eric has just got out of prison, determined to turn his life around and go straight. Toni is now an honest policeman and Tom the head of a criminal gang which works in collaboration with the city’s corrupt police officers. It seems that the paths the three men have chosen for themselves are no longer compatible.

But when Eric is offered the chance to help get his little brother out of trouble by doing one last job, he has a tough decision to make. He knows that whatever he does will not only affect his own life, but that of those around him too. His friends feel indebted to him for his silence eight years previously and want to help him back on the outside, but Toni and Tom both have very different ideas of the kind of “help” Eric needs.

Just how important are friendship, loyalty and knowing the difference between right and wrong? Are we really the ones in charge of our own lives, or have the endings to our stories already been written?

